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26 August 2010


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It's felt like Fall since last weekend. I for one, welcome our new leaf overlords.


Oh, I do, too -- fall is my fave -- but it's just so hard to get up!


Me too! Fall is my favorite, so I've been running around yelling, FALL! FALL! I think everyone is getting mad at me.


Have you had summer monsoons? I think that's why it's harder for me this year. We just did NOT have summer - a hot week does not count as the entire season. All this rain. Makes you wonder what winter will actually be like, and whether we'll get an autumn...

Sheesh, I'm turning Scottish. These people talk incessantly about the weather...


Honestly, I have been there ALL YEAR. As soon as the snow melted, I was ready for fall. My friends tease me that once it arrives, it will suck and be done in a second, and not live up to my expectations at all.

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