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28 October 2010


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Oh, that title!!


OH! That's even better than MacUseless!

Only 96 days 'til the English release. Bookdepository.co.uk has it at preorder for under $9... with free international shipping. Imma do that, because I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL NEXT SUMMER!!!!!!


Oh, and also, I haven't had an excuse to dress up for Halloween in many years, but next time I do, I'm totally going as an olive. Not even a sexy olive. Just a Georgia-esque Olive. But without the horror of my father driving slowly behind me. Or shaving off my eyebrows.


Have read it (it's out in Australia), and it's nowhere near as funny as the GN books. Sad, but true. My 10 year old daughter, who is mad keen on Georgia, agrees.


Rats. Ah well, I'll read it anyway! (I felt that the GN books got progressively less entertaining -- or maybe just less fresh -- as they went on, so my hopes/standards aren't super high.)

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