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19 October 2010


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I did not like this one. At all. I guess it was the Twilight overtones; it seemed cliched and it definitely dragged. I also have an odd block against collaborations - Sorcery and Cecelia was the only one that worked for me, and that wasn't exactly a typical collaboration.

What I did like about this book was the font treatment on the cover. Love it.


Yeah, usually I don't like the collaborations, either. Though, strangely, with this one, the flow wasn't an issue for me, and that's usually my problem with collaborations.


I LOVED this book, it was really easy to read, and the story just seemed to flow into my mind.
If this got turned into a film a great song for this would be All For Leyna By Billy Joel


I love beautiful creatures. I really think it's interesting especially the characters.


I read the book a few years ago and it was just kind of "meh." then I went and saw the movie, which I think is much better (can't believe I'm saying this). They streamlined it - simplified the plot, made Ethan especially about 100 times more charming and therefore actually made me care about him, toned down Lena's emo (no redecorating with prison decor, ugh). They also combined Amma with Marian, which gave Amma an awesome wardrobe and made her character less cliche. Give it a shot if you're so inclined.


@Julie: Yeah, as much as I enjoyed it while I was reading (with the caveats mentioned above), I was never inspired to read the rest of the series. Which says something.

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