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14 October 2010


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I loved A Curse as Dark as Gold so very much that I was actually afraid this one wouldn't live up to expectations. I'm so glad it does! Thanks for the review, Leila.

Maureen E

I actually wasn't super excited about her first book, but this one sounds like it's RIGHT up my alley!



And I'd definitely recommend it to people who weren't bananas about her first book AS WELL AS those who were -- they're COMPLETELY different.

(I do love the caps when I get excited!)

Sarah Rettger

I liked this one, but it took a second reading for me to *really* like it. I'm curious about whether anyone else had the same initial reaction I did - that parts of it, mostly in the second half, were covering the same territory Kristin Cashore did in Fire.

But like I said, it clicked for me on the second reading, and I'm looking forward to the sequel.


Oh ho, really?

See, I still haven't read Fire yet...

Sarah Rettger

For real? How have you not? Brigan (who Wierolf reminded me of quite a bit) = Mr. Darcy + Mr. Rochester + Sirius Black.


Because I'm the LAMEST.

(Really, it's because I know that once I read it, I'll just have to start waiting for Bitterblue, and I like having one in reserve.)

Sarah Rettger

Hee hee. I guess this is the point where I mention how *bleeping* excited I am about seeing both K. Cashore and Francisco Stork on a panel at the Boston Book Fest on Saturday. (And also the point where I admit that I reread Graceling for the nth time last night. Would have reread Fire too, but somehow my copy hasn't made it to MA yet.


LUCKY! Have fun!

(I'd give you a copy of Fire if you were here -- I have at least three of 'em... always staring at me...)


*wrings hands* Why don't I have this one yet? Whyyyyy?

But Leila. FIRE is the bestest ever! You're going wait all the way until BITTERBLUE comes out? Reeeeeally? ;)

Laura Manivong

I was nuts about both Bunce's novels, and while they are completely different, in both books, I always had the sense that Bunce was setting you up in the first half for a wild ride in the second half. They delievered in a big way! I even reread A CURSE DARK AS GOLD (and I don't reread novels) because there are so many layers of intrigue and characterization and clue dropping. I'd have no problem rereading STARCROSSED too as a study on how to build a varied cast of characters. Cannot wait for the next installment, and I'm not a huge series fan either.


Highly, highly recommended to fans of Robin McKinley, Megan Whalen Turner and Sherwood Smith's Crown Duel duology.

I'm a fan of all three authors! So yay, I will likely pick this up. I didn't really like A Curse as Dark as Gold though so I hope I have a better reaction to this one.


This sounds amazing. And for fans of MWT, huh? And Crown Duel? That's me!


Because of all of the intrigue and politics, yes -- there's an especially outstanding scene with a chess game being used to answer questions and pass along information that I think'll appeal to fans of those two series...


Very exciting. Loved Curse and have been waiting for Bunce to come out with another work.

By the by, I don't think Fire/Graceling/Bitterblue are a series in the traditional sense--I loved Fire (one of the best fantasies I've read in years) but don't remember cursing the ending for leaving any loose ends. I haven't even read Graceling yet (though I do own it).


Sounds great, I'll put it on my TBR list. Have you read The Demon King, and it's new sequel, The Exiled Queen? By Cinda Williams Chima. They're fantastic, with a complex world and wonderful characters.

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