Every year, I say I'm going to participate in a challenge, and every year, I bail.
Who am I to mess with tradition?
On my reading list* for this year's Historical Fiction Challenge:
Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie, by Alan Bradley
Ringside, 1925, by Jen Bryant
Revolution, by Jennifer Donnelly
The Musician's Daughter, by Susanne Dunlap
Bright Young Things, by Anna Godbersen √
I was Jane Austen's Best Friend, by Cora Harrison
Fallen Grace, by Mary Hooper √
Vixen, by Jillian Larkin √
A Spy in the House, by Y. S. Lee
The Alchemy of Murder, by Carol McCleary
The Vespertine, by Saundra Mitchell √
Dark Road to Darjeeling, by Deanna Raybourn √
We Hear the Dead, by Dianne K. Salerni √
*At the moment, I'm at Level Three with 10 books, but we'll see... [ETA: I just added an 11th title. Hmmmm. ]
Revolution ended up being my favorite YA book of 2010. I hope you enjoy it!
Posted by: Erin | 02 January 2011 at 04:16 PM
I can't wait to read Cora Harrison's book!
Posted by: Smol Dusaran | 02 January 2011 at 08:11 PM
Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie - Really excellent! I hope you get to it.
Nellie Bly as a character in a mystery is intriguing, and I've had Deanna Raybourn on my list for a while now. After reading your review of Shadowed Summer, I'll have to check out Saundra Mitchell, too.
Posted by: Michelle | 17 February 2011 at 01:14 PM