...I wrote about Michael Northrop's* new book! Woo!
As I read Trapped -- in which seven teenagers and a teacher are snowed in at their high school and slowly freezing to death -- I kept picturing my high school, because even though the one in the book is two stories, there were other similarities. I suspect that that aspect will be the same for everyone (well, everyone who grew up where there's snow). Let me know if I'm right!
Anyway, according to all of the press info -- and the ARC itself -- the book is due out next month. But according to Amazon and Scholastic and the author's own website, it's available now. So you have no excuses. Snag a copy and read it during the next snowstorm. Or, alternatively, snag a copy and PRETEND it's snowing and read it now.
*I sincerely hope that you recognize his name, since he wrote my favorite book of 2009. Well, top three, anyway. I can never pick just one.
I just have to compliment you on always finding new and fabulous titles for me to add to my never-ending YA list. Thank you!
Posted by: Erin | 03 January 2011 at 05:20 PM