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17 January 2011


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J. L. Bell

I hope Horowitz writes an interesting novel, but we should note that all of the original Sherlock Holmes stories are in the public domain in the UK, and all but The Case Book of Sherlock Holmes in the public domain in the US. Unless an author is using details from that last book, the authorization of the Conan Doyle estate is worthless except as a marketing hook.


That was my assumption, what with the 70 zillion Holmes stories out there -- like Hockensmith's Holmes-in-the-Wild-West books, and Gaiman's Study in Emerald -- seems like this is just a way for the estate to cash in on the Current-Everyone-Loves-Holmes action.

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Sherlock Holmes is to be brought back to life in the first new novel about the great Baker Street detective to be officially approved. Anthony Horowitz, author of stories about teenage spy Alex Rider, has been chosen by Arthur Conan Doyle’s estate to write the full-length novel, which will be published by Orion in September.

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