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01 February 2011


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I hopped over to the actual list, but didn't have enough alcohol to make it through all the comments. It's turning into one big mess very fast. Would hate to be the ones who put together this list right now, and more, would hate to be the ones who are amending it.


E. Lockhart is not thrilled either. This is turning into a lovely collection of blurbs from ALL MY FAVORITE WRITERS, more interesting than the list was in the first place! :)


I was super excited when I originally saw that list, because I love YA books that have empowering female characters. I had no idea that the comments section became such a mess!

That being said, not being on a list (or being taken off of one you were previously on) is not necessarily censorship. It could very well just be improvement. They should have researched the books more thoroughly before putting the list up, regardless, so everyone could stand firmly behind their picks.


I feel a lot of dismay about this -- I'm not very political so I don't feel like I can safely even comment on this, but it is a shame that they a.) didn't read all the books listed on their own "best" list [why did it have to be 100? Could it not have been "20 We Actually Read"???], b.) made amendments without reading, c.) allowed the critiques of others to push them toward amendments, only reading AFTER that...

It really is a hot vitriolic mess.


I agree that the situation isn't the same as a book being pulled from a library shelf, of course, but the mentality behind the removal was very similar to the mentality behind most of the book challenges I've read about. As I see it, this is the sequence of events for Most Book Challenges That Get Really Ugly:

1. Book is assigned for class or put on a library shelf.
2. Someone objects to that book, usually on the basis of protecting readers from it in some way. (It is said to be offensive because of language, sexual content, violence, racism, political stance, etc.)
3. School or library attempts to quickly and easily Placate Upset Person by removing book, thus beginning controversy.

Pulling titles from a list because a few people (one per book in the comments section originally, though I gather that Bitch Magazine received some emails as well) complained that some people might find the subject matter disturbing/upsetting sounds eerily familiar to me. But people certainly disagree with my reading of the situation -- although much of the conversation over there has been heated and, in cases, unproductive, some of it has been very thoughtful and interesting.


Good point!

I think that it would have been much more valuable as a list if they had included reasons each book had been included, rather than just listing them one after another. And if there was a situation that was triggering, it would come up in the "reasons this book was included on the list" and people could go from there.

books for young adults

The list is good. These books for young adults are nice. Some objects to the book, usually on the basis of protecting readers from it in some way. It is said to be offensive because of language, sexual content, violence, racism, political stance, etc.

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