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23 February 2011


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Heather Z.

Too bad Starcrossed didn't make the list. :)


StarCrossed! Heart.


This list - is kind of really great.

Maureen E

I would say that I'm torn between White Cat and Conspiracy except that, as much as I loved WC, my deep adoration for anything with Gen in it has to win.


I wasn't huge on WC, though I understand why so many people are. I've only read the first three on the list, so I'd better get cracking! (And I think it's so cool that MWT is on both shortlists!)

Maureen E

And I think it's so cool that MWT is on both shortlists!

Yes, agreed! Especially since so much of the debate about age and so on with the Newbery centered around Conspiracy.

I just need to find a TARDIS, so I can go read the next book NOW instead of in three years, or whatever it ends up being.

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