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09 March 2011


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We will *always* be on the same wavelength.
And you should have seen the first comment I left. It was like, a novella. I'm thinking that the resonance of the character has something to do with poor, rural areas. I don't think (but what do I know?) that you find those kids in Boston, or Detroit, or Miami, but I bet you find them all over the country. (I heard that one of mine died a couple weeks ago, so that's why I've been thinking about it a lot.)

And yeah, the music has a lot to do with the overall feel, I'm thinking especially of "Hearts Break" from *Wishbones.* Such an upbeat tune!

Kate Evangelista


I'm Kate Evangelista, author of Taste, and I just wanted to take this time to introduce myself. If you have the time, please stop by The Coffee Bar by using the link below:


I hope to see you there.


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