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29 March 2011


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Those are made of awesome. Of course, Jillian Tamaki's work is usually made of awesome.


CRAZY amounts of detail, there. Wow.


How many copies of the Secret Garden can I justify owning? Because clearly, I need to add this to my collection! Loooooooooooooooove.


Gorgeous cover art like that is one of my main weaknesses when it comes to book buying (of course, it has to be a good book, too, but Secret Garden certainly fits the bill).


And having now clicked the link, I really want the Black Beauty version, too. It was one of my favorite books growing up.


#sigh...These are so beautiful, but if I buy one more book, my husband might kill me. Especially since I own ALL of those already.

However, Jillian's quest just gave me a great idea. I've been wanting to learn how to quilt, and I used to embroider, but I didn't know what theme my quilt should be until I saw this post. Now I'm thinking....squares for my favorite books? Me thinks so! :D


AWESOME!!! I need to buy all three of these. They're so gorgeous. Penguin is really going all out with the new covers!!!

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