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21 April 2011


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First off, awesome cover. Very impressive.

Secondly, I'm so glad you added the non-Twilight comments because all I was thinking was how very culleneque this fallen angel sounded.
Maybe I'll go find and read this now.


Nice review, this is one I have on my to read shelf after reading Tantalize for my YA lit class for library school. The author actually came to our class and discussed the books with us. We also had to read a book from the Twilight Saga and asked her if she had read any of the books. She hasn't and actually, if I'm remembering this correctly, she said she started writing the series before Twilight came out but delayed the publication of Tantalize for some reason. I've only read the first chapter or so of Eternal and I was hooked because of the idea of a lecherous guardian angel. It seemed like such a funny concept. Can't wait to read this one! By the way, I love you blog and always look forward to reading it!


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