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04 June 2011


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Sam @ Parenthetical

I never got into the Georgia Nicolson books, but Louise Rennison sure does do awesome titles! Glad the book challenge is going well so far.


I only read the first couple of Georgia books (didn't get to Dave the Laugh or Massimo), but maybe Tallulah being less of a caricature will work better for me.


Glad to hear you liked it, in spite of (because of?) the similarities! I just finished the last Georgia book, and she does wear on one a bit. The break between that and whenever I get around to Withering Tights sounds just about right.


I loved Georgia and have been anxiously awaiting this new book! Glad to hear Rennison is back with more hilariosity.

Ms Avery

Now I'm curious -- which phrases gave you trouble?

Aw, I loved the Georgia books so much when I was younger :)


I'm sold! And I was pretty close just hearing the title!


I'm such a huge fan of the Georgia Nicolson series. They're absolutely fabulous, so I had pretty high expectations for Withering Tights. Withering Tights did not let me down, although it didn't start off as good as I expected. I'm going to try not to compare this series to the Georgia Nicolson series, but it'll be a little hard.

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