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27 July 2011


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A friend just gave me a copy for my birthday...but I'm lost in the Dance with Dragons right now!

Lindsey Carmichael

I totally loved Divergent. And then I read Blood Red Road immediately afterward. And there's just no comparison. As awesome as Divergent is, Blood Red Road is a million times better.


Nadine: Josh is reading DwD right now, and is TOTALLY hooked. (Which was expected, of course!)

Lindsey: You're the second person in as many days to recommend BRR, so I just put it on hold: Thanks!


That does it. I took it off a library hold and put it directly on my Kindle instead. Veronica owes you for the added royalties, Leila.


Be careful! Don't get carpal tunnel from turning pages too fast!


This is something I really need to get around to reading!

Jessica Therrien

I'm reading Divergent right now, and I'm really enjoying it. Looks like Blood Red Road is next if it is supposed to be even better...thanks guys!


I loved Divergent. Complete page turner even though the writing wasn't anything special. It was all about the world... and Four. (Mmmmm, Four)

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