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19 July 2011


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Looking forward to reading this one. I love Dessen. My favorite two are This Lullaby and Lock and Key


I put this on reserve at my local library. I am hoping it doesn't take too long to be my turn. I will have to see if Along for the Ride is available while I am waiting.


My guess is that you'll get Along for the Ride first, only because Goodbye is newer. But, you never know!

Do let me know what you think!


I recently read my first Dessen, which was indeed Just Listen. You're spot on about the realistic family drama, it had me getting all wibbly and wanting to call my mom because FAMILY and PARENTS ARE PEOPLE WHO MAKE MISTAKES TOO and all that jazz. Actually, I should bike on down to the library today and exchange the books I have right now (Deathless, whyyyy are you getting so boring in the middle) and get some Dessen I can get sucked into for a couple of days.


How I love Sarah Dessen let me count the ways...


My favorite Dessen is The Truth About Forever - I love that one. But I'm starting to think that her recent books feel really similar. This one sounds really good, though!

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