Driving into work this morning, I was listening to Unsung, Slaid Cleaves' 2006 collection of covers. This song reminded me of a conversation I had this weekend with an extremely bright friend who I see far too infrequently:
We were talking about John Prine (you know, as people do), and I said something along the lines of, "Yeah, I mostly listen to songwriters." Before I could even start to launch into my usual explanation of why I'm drawn towards that sort of music, he just rolled his eyes and said,
"Well, YEEEE-AAAAAH! Of course you do: NARRRRRR-ATIVE." (<--Sadly, I can't do his delivery justice. There were just. So. Many. Syllables.)
It was cool. Because while I'd figured that connection out a long time ago, no one else has ever made the leap.
Anyway, this one (from this album) has been stuck in my head since last Thursday. So I'm passing it on:
LOVE John Prine.
(And narrative, in all its thousand syllables.)
Posted by: Ariel/Sycorax Pine | 03 August 2011 at 06:16 PM
I third the John Prine. My 10-year-old son is probably the only kid in the world with Prine on his Mp3 player, but then again, he's been able to sing Roger Miller lyrics since he was five. Not that I had a thing to do with it :)
Posted by: Chris | 04 August 2011 at 01:05 PM