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15 August 2011


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Ok, I've never read any Heyer (I KNOW!) I can buy 5 books at this price. Which ones should I get?


Do you like the mysteries? I've read two and didn't like either of them, so if you have titles to recommend, tell me. I love Heyer, I love old school British mysteries, but so far combining the two isn't working for me.


Jennie: Most of the Heyer I've written about is linked to this post (at the bottom).

dangermom: I think I've only written about two: Why Shoot a Butler? and Behold, Here's Danger. I especially loved the latter. But if you don't want to risk the mysteries, there are plenty of romances!


I like Heyer's romances a lot. Friday's Child and Arabella were two of my very favorite books growing up. I was so influenced by them that I would sometimes tell people that something was of the first water, or that they should stop making a cake of themselves. Then they would look at me funny.

Jen Robinson

That is very cool! I'm going to have to stock up, too. Thanks for the head's up!

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