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30 August 2011


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I had bookmarked the original post as the suggestions piled up. Holy cow is right! This is the most fantastic list. I wanted to tell everyone they were Awesome in the original comments but it felt out of place to (I was left speechless-- I couldn't think of any other books to add), so I'm going to do it here: Everyone who contributed to this list, You are Awesome. I'm going to keep this list as a personal Reader's Advisory Resource. Just... holy cow! It's such an amazing collection of titles!

Emily Calkins

Bookmarking this post for future reader's advisory use!


My dad read the Dealing with Dragons series aloud to me when I was 12ish and it remains one of my very favorite memories. Ever.


That's awesome. They're such great books, and that's such a cozy memory.

Margaret S.

Bookmarking, of course!

Coincidentally, I had just heard about Peter Abraham’s Echo Falls series from another source a few days ago. Curious, I checked some reviews, and found that they are mixed; some readers recommend them while others dislike them for Theodore Bone–like reasons.

This being so, it would be interesting to know your opinion: could there be a review in the future?


@Margaret: I've read the first two, actually -- I loved the first one and felt a little more mix-y about the second. If you click through on the link above, it'll bring you to my review of the second one, but there's a link to the first review one in the second review...


I am bookmarking this for my snark-loving 11-year-old boy. Have read a few of these with him (which I recommended above) that he loved; will look at list with him and see which ones pique his interest. He's gotten a bit into mysteries lately (started with Westing Game, then went to Agatha Christie movies and one Josephine Tey book so far), so I'll look at Echo Falls and Sammy Keyes.

Jennifer@5 Minutes for Books

I'd like to add Wendy Mass to the list. I've read quite a few books with/to my own daughter (almost 13 now). She likes them, and they take me back. Some favorites are Jeremy Fink and the Meaning of Life and Finally!

Jen Robinson

This is a GREAT list! I will definitely share it.


I've read some of the books that you have in your list ... lovelovelove Pseudonymous Bosch and the mysterious benedict society series. But there are so much more here I'd love to just go over and read. You're right, can't have too much books in your to-be-read stack. Thanks for this lovely recommendation. ;-)


Great list! Thank you for compiling! I actually disagree about the "best" in the Abhorsen trilogy, though. LIRAEL is one of my favorite books ever! I read it in one day, and I'm not a fast reader. It's about a librarian, after all. :) I think they could actually be read out of order, but then I'm not a stickler for most series having to be read in order.


Fabulous list! Many new to me. I'd add Ysabeau Wilce's Flora Segunda series.Really feisty heroine, great take on magic, haunted houses and a fantastically original world. Oh and funny.

Read Aloud Dad

What a fabulous list!

I will have to find several of these recommendations in order to include them in our home library!

Can't wait to read them aloud to my twins.

Thanks so much for the excellent list.

Read Aloud Dad

Miss K

Wow, I am going to steadily work my way through this list. Thanks for sharing!

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