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29 September 2011


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I love Patrick Ness, and these illustrations are just amazing. Picking up a copy of A Monster Calls immediately.



The more I hear about this one...


No, no, NO. I don't want to cry. Dang it, Leila, you're gonna make me read this aren't you.

Angela H.

Ditto what Tanita said. I read a friend's review on Goodreads yesterday and the review and the pictures alone made me tear up. It sounds utterly amazing, but it's such a shame that Ms. Dowd won't ever know how wonderfully it turned out. :(


But it's crying in a good way. You won't feel manipulated or anything, because the whole thing just hums with truth.


A bloody nose? Yikes!

And the Death/Book Thief comparison hadn't occurred to me, but I like it.


best book i've experienced in a very long time. yeah, this was an experience FOR SURE.

"fittingly untamed". i like that a lot.


Perfection. I was SO glad my husband wasn't home when I read this because I cried like a big gigantic baby. But because it's so true. You don't feel manipulated at all. I have decided I'll read anything that man writes.


Amazing book. The first out of the many books I've read, that's made me cry.

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