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11 October 2011


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Maureen E

Yeah, I felt a lot less bothered by this one. Sure, I thought she was comparing oranges and apples (the older books all seem aimed at younger readers than the newer books), but overall I thought she had some interesting points. And it's difficult, especially when we all love YA so much, but giving in to the kneejerk instinct seems counterproductive to me.


It bothers me that I now find Maleficent kind of hot.


I'm not going to lie: That bothers me, too.

Grody, dude.

Even grodier? I totally see it, too.


Grodier still: I'm sure many have beaten me to this conclusion and have produced fan fic and worse.


You aren't wrong.

Why, oh why aren't you wrong?


Why did you look? Of course I wasn't wrong. I'm willing to be that was the mild stuff.


There's totally worse stuff. I refuse to log in to see it, because my brain has already short-circuited.


Yeah, I really don't want to know.


I love Maria Tatar, but, having read some of her works on fairy tales, I find myself wondering about all that this piece leaves out. Fairy tale themes, for one. The ways in which how we see childhood have changed, for another.

My daughter, who is not yet 2, has latched onto Zelinsky's Rapunzel as a favorite book, and she gets an expurgated version when I read it to her, but there's no doing away with the part where the sorceress takes the baby away. There's also no getting around the fact that I find that much more disturbing than she does, which is probably a good indicator of reading adventures to come.

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