- Tintin is a "Catholic hero". I... had no idea.
- Joyce Sweeney's Shadow has been challenged in a Boca Raton middle school.
- Ed Champion has an excellent round-up of the ongoing Q.R. Markham plagiarism scandal—AND he's reading the book and posting all of the instances he can find. It's SHOCKINGLY egregious.
- Librarian facing disciplinary slapfest after including the Bible in a "Books We'd Like to Burn" promotion. The whole thing is especially laughable as he's already losing his job due to cutbacks. Well, morbidly laughable.
- Nina LaCour's Hold Still challenged—and removed from the school library, despite the lack of any, you know, formal investigation—in Missouri's Blue Springs School District.
ALSO. Unimpressed with the lack of speed on the school's part, the challengers hooked up with their pastor and combed through the rest of the extra-credit reading list that Hold Still was on, and have deemed nine of the fifteen other titles inappropriate.
The pastor is quoted as saying it is his "job to be a watchdog and help" in deciding what books are appropriate, as well as this:
"Are you aware of the vulgarity? Are you aware of the acts of sex, incest and homosexuality? All of these. Are you aware of these?"
The ACLU is already involved.