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18 January 2012


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Wow, thanks for posting! An updated/further corrected version of this map will actually be appearing in The Panem Companion (Smart Pop Books, December 2012) as well! :)


Thank you for creating it!

And cool re: the book!


Yeehaw! I'm in District 12!


Aaaaand I am underwater.


Wait a minute. How the hell did a big chunk of Canada become part of Panem? *HMPH*

Misty Lopez

I live in Houston, which is part of District Sad Day!


But this is awesome! My co-workers and I are gushing over it!

Lindsey Carmichael

Only the part of Canada that contains oil. Which, no surprise.


Yeah, Canada usually bites the big one in large scale disaster stories told by the States. What's with that?

Courtney Waters

Whee! I got mentioned in a blog post! #excitedoversmallthings

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