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06 January 2012


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kelly jensen

You had me at "Stupid Fast."


Keep in mind that while I enjoyed this one, I feel that Stupid Fast is a superior product.


I'd be interested to contrast this one with Me and Earl and the Dying Girl, by Jesse Andrews. Looks like 2012 might be a good year for smartass male protagonists.

Katie (Secrets & Sharing Soda)

Ooh, I haven't seen this one yet. I'll keep it in mind for the next time I get that craving for a male protagonist. It looks excellent.

Also - your reference to the Dandy Warhols has now put that song in my head. :-)


I was on the fence about if I should review this for the amazon vine program, after reading this I am glad I decided to wait. Look forward to checking it out from my library. Before I saw this title I had no idea White people were familiar with the non-word edumacation and used it to boot.
And Stupid Fast is freakin awesome.


Oh, this looks FUN! As in Brendan Halpin-ish fun. I shall have to put it on my wishlist. Thanks for bringing it to our attention!


@Doret: Stupid Fast needs more love in the blogosphere! I know it's a Cybils finalist and all, but I haven't seen much chatter about it except that.


There hasn't been much love for Stupid Fast, which is a shame because its a great book with an excellent cover. I named it. as one of my 2011 favorites for my Smugglivus Guest Post. And I was very excited to see Stupid Fast make the Cybils finals, I actually squealed.

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