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19 January 2012


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I will be pulling for the only one I've read, The Name of the Star, good thing I also loved it.

Brooke Shirts

I rooting for Icefall in the children's category! Agatha Christie-meets-Vikings. What's not to lurve?


I really need to read that. The cover keeps scaring me off.

Dandi Daley Mackall

I love that you're discussing the Edgars, even if nobody's read mine. I love the other 4 books nominated in the YA category, so it would be an honor to lose to any of them. Humbly, Dandi Daley Mackall, www.silenceofmurder.com; www.dandibooks.com


No worries, Dandi! Your book is nearing the top of my TBR pile!

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