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19 March 2012


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Sommer Leigh

I just finished this book because of your mention of it a few days ago. I started this book at around 10pm last night and read until it was after 2am and read when I thought no one was looking during the day and during lunch and before work and when I finished I had to go sit in the bathroom and cry by myself while everyone else was at a meeting.

I've got that "I'm never going to be the same," feeling that comes when you finish certain books. Certain books everyone should read.


Blurbs on book covers should read like THAT. Seriously.

Is it okay with you if I re-post your comment, as proof of how wonderful this book is? Pretty-please?

Sommer Leigh

Heck yes! You're welcome to post it.

Bethany Hagen

Just finished this book, and have been staring at the wall for an hour trying to process. Simply stunning.

I hope there is some award this can win! At any rate, I've been making all of the other librarians at my branch read it :)


“Go away princess. Leave your outlaw alone. You won’t change him… go away, Anna, far away, and don’t ever come back. The fairy tale doesn’t have a happy ending.” Which page number is this quote on?? Please I've been looking everywhere

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