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12 April 2012


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Here's a set of stamps that might work. You could use Morgan Le Fay or Aslan. As much as I enjoy Discworld, I don't think I'd wear the stamp with Nanny Ogg.. http://goo.gl/4Vk6C


I, on the other hand, would TOTALLY wear Nanny Ogg. Or Rincewind.



here one italian stamp issued in 2010 of Pinocchio and also Stilton


I love philatelic stamps! Even better when they're inspired by books. :) I got a first day envelope through Postcrossing with this Anne Frank stamp - took a picture here: http://chachic.tumblr.com/post/19397668043/ive-got-mail-postcards-and-first-day-envelopes and found another Anne Frank stamp from Germany: http://www.istockphoto.com/stock-photo-19186273-anne-frank-german-postage-stamp.php

Some other nice stamps:
Anne of Green Gables - http://www.squidoo.com/anne-of-green-gables-stamps
Japanese anime - http://darthphilatelist.blogspot.com/2011/02/anime-characters-highlight-japan-2011.html and http://en.gigazine.net/news/20091126_keroro_stamp/
Comics - http://www.tomrichmond.com/blog/2010/06/07/stamps-of-approval-for-the-comics/
Beatrix Potter - http://www.stampnews.com/stamps/stamps_2006/stamp_1166173689_166746.html
Winnie the Pooh - http://postalheritage.wordpress.com/2010/10/12/children%E2%80%99s-books-%E2%80%93-winnie-the-pooh/
Dr. Seuss - http://literarystamps.blogspot.com/2006/10/dr-theodor-seuss-geisel-19041991.html
Miffy (character of children's book in the Netherlands) - http://www.philatelia.net/literature/stamps/?id=15600
Saint-Exupery and Little Prince stamps - http://www.trussel.com/saint-ex/stamps/linns.htm
Various stamps featuring authors - http://enchantedserenityperiodfilms.blogspot.com/2010/06/stamp-collection-of-various-authors.html

And check out this blog that features literary stamps: http://literarystamps.blogspot.com/2007/07/books-literature.html


lkfekcppltifmwftpgeppn, ProEnhance, WodULRR.

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