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20 April 2012


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Yeah because nudity and pornography are THE EXACT SAME THING.


Ouch, my brain hurts from the stupid. That book is cute and funny!


Oh, my! Do they wear their clothes while bathing in that school district?


The stupidity of this is so...stupid. Hmmm, my library doesn't own this title *adds to next order list*

The Diamond in the Window

When you are naked in the bathtub DON'T LOOK DOWN! YOU WILL SEE...NUDITY!


I just noticed that this was illustrated by Adam Rex. His books will be the ones of my kids' books that I keep - Frankenstein Makes a Sandwich, Psst!, and the not-as-good Frankenstein Takes the Cake. I can't imagine any of his images being pornography. Subversive, sure, I can see that.

Why do I suppose that the Glen Beck books are A-OK for that district library? Is that because I'm a cynical human being?

sigh. I'll head back to my wine (whine?) now.

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