From the HuffPo:
"We do not collect erotica at Gwinnett County* Public Library. That's part of our materials management collection policy. So, E L James' three books in the trilogy fit that description," said Deborah George, the county library's director of materials management.
A copy of "Fifty Shades" sits on George's cluttered desk. Wedged in it are nearly a dozen yellow sticky notes at various pages of sultriness.
If I didn't find the idea of a librarian scanning through possible additions to the collection for anything offensive extremely problematic, I'd think it was hilarious.
The comments section, of course, is completely bananas. There's a lot of ZOMG WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN??, which, in this case, makes absolutely no sense, as it's a book published for and marketed to adults. Are those people suggesting that everything in the library should be "suitable" for children? That's what that argument suggests to me.
*Sound familiar? That's probably because you're remembering resident Laura Mallory's countless attempts to get Harry Potter banned from Gwinnett County schools.