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25 June 2012


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Electric Landlady

Never heard of it... oh wait, that's because it was published in 2004. (Second-best OF ALL TIME? Who were these panelists? [citation needed])

Electric Landlady

Whoops. 1978. I've still never heard of it!


It's phenomenal, as all Kevin Major books are!

Lindsey Carmichael

There's a lot of good stuff up here, as I discovered when I decided I should be emphasizing my fellow Canadians on my book blog. I'm embarrassed to say I was woefully ignorant of most of them until then....


Check out the label "Canadian Authors" for your convenience!


Yay! Thanks!

Lindsey Carmichael

You're welcome! One Canadian book I didn't review but I think you'd love is The Dollmage by Martine Leavitt. It might be hard to find, but it's worth the effort!


Errrr.... I grew up in Canada during the 1980s and I never heard of this book. Time to go correct that. Thanks, Leila!


Sigh . . . we should *all* know more about Canadians. They are like cleaner, politer versions of Americans. With health care.


If it helps you feel better, I'm a Canadian with a penchant for reading and chatting up Canadiana and I haven't read it. I just put myself on the list for it at the library and will rectify that shortly.


Are you taking suggestions? Let me push Kit Pearson’s “The Guests of War” trilogy at you. The books were good, but not anywhere near ‘best-book-ever’-outstanding, so I was caught by surprise by the force of my emotion at the end of the last book. I can’t think of any other book or series that I so much regretted that they were fictional, so that I‘ll never know what happened to the characters after it ended.

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