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12 November 2012


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I can't figure out the license plate, unless it says Stupid Lamb. So I'm thinking we've got a husband with different opinions than his wife? Or does it say something else?


I am embarrassed to know this, but it's a Twilight quote:

Edward: "And so the lion fell in love with the lamb."
Bella: What a stupid lamb.
Edward: "What a sick masochistic lion."

I also find their dedication impressive and weirdly hilarious.


I feel sad for the world.

Lindsey Carmichael

Don't judge me, but I think that's totally hilarious, too. Probably because I always love it when I get the hidden joke...

I said don't judge me!


No judging from this corner! I was lucky I was still sitting in the car when I saw it, as I'd have fallen over laughing (not in a mean way, just from the wonder of it all) if I'd been standing.


And to this I say, Sookie!!! (Bill voice)


Ick. I don't hate the Twilight books, I think they have their place, but I don't understand the obsession that grown women have for the characters.

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