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25 January 2013


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Jessica Silverstein

I was going to comment and say, "How have I not heard of these books, they sound awesome!" but I guess six years ago I was still in college, and had not yet done ed. school/teaching/blogging so I was pretty out of the loop on new YA/kidlit. On the one hand, how exciting to have a new series to hunt down; on the other, I think I need a Time Turner to get through everything I want to read this year already, and it's not even February.

Kristen Kittscher

I couldn't agree more! I was lucky enough to get an early copy of this one, and it doesn't disappoint. I was chuckling and gasping throughout! Gotta love how Miller managed to incorporate female baldness as an important plot point...


Loved the first one but was very disappointed in the second when they introduced a supernatural element seemingly out of no where. I have the third one but am nervous about reading it. Not asking for spoilers, but... Would you say it's more like the first, or more like the second...?


@Sarah: This one's stronger than the second book. Since you have it already, give it a try and let me know what you think!

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