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06 February 2013


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Oh my god I love Elizabeth Peters. You just mentioning her makes me want to go read her books right now.


I have, like, TWO FULL MILK CRATES of her books.

So you could say that I'm a fan as well. :D


Y'know I love all the Elizabeth Peters/Barbara Michaels books EXCEPT the Amelia Peabody series. It's one of my greatest personal literary tragedies, especially since I wanted to BE an Egyptologist when I was a girl. Although, I do enjoy the AP audiobooks read by Barbara Rosenblat. Weird, right? Anyway, long story short: Elizabeth Peters good.


So funny! I will say that of the EP books, I'm the LEAST FROTHY about the Amelia Peabody books (I get far more flail-y about Vicky Bliss and Jacqueline Kirby), but I've still got a good deal of affection for Peabody & Emerson & Ramses & co.!

She's one of the few (writing as either EP and Barbara Michaels) that I can read and re-read again and again and again.


ELIZABETH PETERS!!!!!!! I adore her in all of her names/characters/time periods. Her books always made (make) me happy. I inhaled them in college for sure.


I'd love to know which book that is... the heroine of Shattered Silk loses weight, but she doesn't gain it back. The most that happens is she realizes she'll never be as slim as she was when she was younger and is okay with it.


Summer of the Dragon.


Thank you! (I knew you'd know.)


Though actually DJ starts out slightly padded and goes on to eat with zeal and describe her meals with glee throughout the book and the hero (Tom?-- of course that's the only detail I don't remember) says at the end something to the effect of 'God, I love the way you eat.'


Yeah, clearly I was Leila-fying the details (I totally mashed it up with what the Horne brothers were eating on the episode of Twin Peaks I watched on Sunday night...). But I remember loving the ending.


I'd forgotten that -- love SotD.


Oh I totally thought it was Shattered Silk too. I actually can't even remember whether she loses weight in that book. I just remember the dresses sounded so, so pretty, it made me want to buy fifty dresses.


I especially love the Barbara Michaels books because they usually focus on antique SOMETHINGS, and have lots of fun facts about said SOMETHINGS. Like antique roses, quilts, dresses, jewelry, etc.

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