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25 March 2013


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I love the idea, but I think it needs some reenactments, ala Drunk History.

literarily drunk

Thanks for the share! We wanted to keep it under 5 minutes, but had about an hour and a half of footage. Eek! Next one will be much shorter. Lots of YA in our future.


@Annie: Reenactments make everything better. :D

@literarily drunk: Holy cow, I feel your pain. My sister and I recorded a few podcasts last summer, and we never even posted the third one because the hours and hours of audio we had to edit was WAAAAAY too daunting. Looking forward to the next one, it's a cool project!

Gail Gauthier

I laughed out loud when she suggested that Peta paint himself into a ham costume and later when she said that Atticus was a dilf.


@Gail: Yes! I'd forgotten all about the ham costume (which is ridiculous, as I re-read it within the last year), and just imagining it made me laugh. I feel like people either adore Atticus or they think he's ultra cardboard-y.

Gail Gauthier

Wait. You mean there's more to the ham costume joke than just what I got on the surface? Because I didn't read the second "Hunger Games" book. Is there a chance that Peta will paint himself into something in the movie, and I'll start laughing in the theater at an inappropriate time?

I don't think Atticus is cardboard-y, but he is a romanticized father-figure. "Daddy loves me and look how good a person he is."


Ha, no, just the image of Scout dressed up as a ham made me laugh. A) because I'd forgotten about it, and B) because it IS an odd choice of costume. And now I want Josh Hutcherson to dress up as a ham, just for kicks.

I don't see Atticus as cardboard-y, either, but I know that some readers can't stand him.

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