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29 March 2013


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Sarah I.

I just read a little bit about Mary Wollstonecraft and I agree with you - someone needs to write more about her! I'm going to check out those mysteries you mentioned. And A Vindication of the Rights of Women is currently, quite literally, on the top of my TBR pile.


That looks interesting. I remember when I read the forward to Frankenstein it had a "short" (relitavely) bio about her, and it was fascinating in that kind of can't-look-away-from-he-car-wreck sort of way.


@Sarah I.: I'm going to hunt down the mysteries as well!

@Ruby: Oh, yes, there were some plot points in AngelMonster that felt over-the-top... but then I looked them up, and they really happened! One of those truth-is-stranger-than-fiction stories, for sure.

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