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16 April 2013


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I expect to start reading Code Name Verity by this weekend. I'm really looking forward to it!


Such an excellent book. LOVED it. Even though it ripped my heart out of my chest, tore my heart into tiny pieces and then stomped on those pieces, I forgave it because it is such an excellent book. However, I'm not quite ready to reread it yet. I do have the audiobook loaded on my iPod when I'm ready to relive the pain (but I'm not sure about the ugly crying in public) as I've heard the audio version is excellent. I still can't believe it didn't win BoB.

jmfausti - Just be sure that you have a new box of tissues handy! Can't wait to hear what you thought about it.


Yeah.... I knew going in that it was a crying book, but not that it was a "sobbing hard enough that I'm having a hard time hiding it from my 1-year-old" book. It makes you want to start it again immediately to readjust your perspective on every page, but I'm still not sure if I can put myself through it again.

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