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22 April 2013


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Diana Peterfreund

I also blogged about her today. My most recent read of MIXED UP FILES was last September. I'm sorry never to have met her.


Jennifer, Hecate is my 11-year-old's favorite. Mine is The View from Saturday, but as a kid it was About the B'nai Bagels.

I'm embarrassed at how few of her books I've read! Something to rectify.


:( Thanks for letting us know. That's so sad. :(


Feeling so sad about this. In a very real way, she helped raise me... Her books formed so much of who I am. And of course, that's the case for many, many people, making us all siblings with shared memories of dos and don'ts for witches, and what to eat at the Automat.


Oh, I'm so sad now. I didn't know about this, thank you for sharing. My favorite as a kid was From the Mixed-Up Files, but when I took a children's literature course in grad school I came to love The View from Saturday, A Proud Taste of Scarlet and Miniver, and The Outcasts of 19 Schuyler Place.


I looked up her list of works on Wikipedia and was surprised to realize how many of the more obscure ones I had read. Personally, I have a fondness for her historical novels--The Second Mrs. Giaconda and A Proud Taste for Scarlet and Miniver.


My three favorite E.L. Konigsburg books are:

1. From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler - no surprise there but the humor of this book never gets old and it always makes me laugh no matter how many times I read or listen to this book. For audiobook fans, the late Jill Clayburgh provides as wonderful a narrations as you'd expect from an actor of her caliber.

2. The View from Saturday - I love that the four kids each bring their own skills and knowledge to the team. I also love that it's their life experiences that help them gain their knowledge. How people learn or know things is always fascinating to me and is why I also loved Q&A by Vikas Swarup (aka Slumdog Millionaire). The Florida wedding always cracks me up. Another good audio narration provided by Jenna Lamia (who is a truly talented narrator) and Jan Maxwell.

3. The Outcasts of 19 Schuyler Place - the great uncles are the best and I dare you to read this book and not fall in love with them. The companion books are also good but this one is my favorite. Molly Ringwold also provides a wonderful audio book version of this book. I just re-listened to this book a couple of weeks ago and found that I enjoyed it as much this time around as I did the first time.

She was a talented author that touched a lot of people and her books will continue to find new readers and fans. What more could an author want?


The Horn Book has two articles/tributes for her:

Roger Sutton: Remembering Elaine Konigsburg (http://www.hbook.com/2013/04/blogs/read-roger/remembering-elaine-konigsburg/)

Elissa Gershowitz pays tribute and collects some of the Horn articles about Ms. Konigsburg in her article (http://www.hbook.com/2013/04/news/obituaries-news/e-l-konigsburg-1930-2013/)

Kate P

I didn't see this anywhere! Thank you for posting and I will miss her writing.

My favorite has always been UP FROM JERICHO TEL.

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