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20 May 2013


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Waaaaaaaaaaaant. (Though I did not love What I Saw and How I Lied. I liked.) I'm so in. Thanks!


This one is super good. I agree completely.


I really enjoyed this book. The one negative review I read about it seemed to be more about the book that it wasn't rather than the book that it is.

I wouldn't have thought of pairing this with What I Saw and How I Lied but now that you have it makes sense.

Did you see the wonderful book trailer in which Rita Sepetys discusses her inspiration and research in New Orleans? It's quite interesting and is what made me want to read the book. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1_EQqGYQdA

*** SPOILER ***
I loved the scene where she finds that Patrick's father has fixed up the storage room for her as her own apartment. It reminded me of the scene from A Little Princess where Sara comes back to her attic room to find it has been furnished while she was out. The same magical intensity and kindness without the worrying class overtones. I always felt bad for Becky. Why wasn't her room remade also?



I really loved this book too-it was the first 2013 release that blew me away!

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