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10 June 2013


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Etiquette and Espionage - I thought this book was so much fun. I raced through it and recommend it to anyone looking for a fun summer read. I lost steam on the Parasol Protectorate series but this one I can see continuing with. Looking forward to the next book.

Kill Switch - oh, this one sounds good. I've been in the mood for a good thriller and this sounds like it might be right up my alley. I like books that feature a relationship between a younger person and an older person. There is something special about that bond. One of the things I loved in Holly Black's Curse Workers series was the relationship between Cassel and his grandfather.


Yes, given how meh I felt about Soulless, I was surprised at how much I liked Etiquette and Espionage. Looking forward to book two!

I'll be interested to hear what you end up thinking of Kill Switch -- like the intergenerational relationships in Curse Workers, the one between Daniel and his Da is very complex, and not entirely healthy.


I had so much fun reading E&E-it was a light confection that didn't demand too much of me. I think my favorite scene was when they went to the boy's school.


@Bookworm1858: Yes, that part was wicked fun! I'm very much looking forward to the next one. :)

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