As I always get a giggle out of Travis Jonker's One Star Review Guess Who posts, I figured I'd swipe the idea and post the occasional one-star Amazon review of a much-lauded YA title.
So, can you guess what book this disappointed reader is reviewing?:
Click on through for the answer!I read a portion of this and I could not get past the 'Mary-Sue'ness of it all. It is complete with tragic, royal back-story, a perfect, flawless, spoiled heroine who can do no wrong, placed with an epic destiny that she must accomplish, though she is completely unfit for it. Don't get me wrong, those elements and plot devices can be well played under the right circumstances. This was not.
When it takes four complete pages to get to actual dialogue because the author is describing how a headache feels after you cry and how sad/pitiful (emotionally speaking) the heroine feels. There is a Problem. There are so many unnecessary words, too much description on things that have and serve no purpose, at all in the story.
I often thought Tolkien overdid his descriptions at times. Boy, was I proven wrong when I picked this up. Tolkien has nothing, NOTHING on [Author]'s verbal diarrhea. She puts in absolutely the most pointless (not useless, just unproductive and trivial) words to do nothing more than murder trees, use up printer ink, and waste hard drive space. I saw the Newbary award, afterward and thought 'How in the name of all things sacred did it make it past the editor's desk?' This is by far the worst thing I've ever read, and I'm quite ashamed to say I was considering spending money on this writing. Don't waste your time on this. Twilight was better written and edited.
As a rule, I don't usually feel this way about people that disagree with me. But this person needs to be socked in the nose.
Posted by: i hate emo kids | 03 July 2013 at 05:10 PM
I honestly had no idea what this one was going to be... I feel like the four complete pages that they are talking about are probably when she just faced oh you know the toughest dragon ever and was half dead, burned to a crisp in the river... totally spoiled... gah these people!
Posted by: Stephanie | 03 July 2013 at 07:12 PM
there is so, so much wrong with this review.
Posted by: emily | 05 July 2013 at 10:08 AM