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26 August 2013


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This sounds interesting. I'm going to give the first book a try (and HOLY COW you are correct about the cover art difference. I would NEVER have picked up the first book, but the second cover is very curiosity inducing).

However, in your weaknesses you outline some issue that I am getting HEARTILY TIRED OF in books with Strong Female Characters(tm), which may finally induce a rant.


still not sure i wanna read these, but this was a GREAT review.

Christa @ More Than Just Magic

I am really looking forward to this book. Though the first one wasn't perfect it was a really entertaining read - which is sometimes all you want. And I was beginning to think I was the only one who likes the new covers!


Not a fan of the books, but a HUGE fan of the River Tam reference. Stay shiny and keep flying!

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