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13 November 2013


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L. E. Carmichael

When I got to the end of this book, I frantically flipped the pages back and forth because I was convinced my copy was defective - there had to be more! Can't WAIT for the last one.

Melissa Bookmark Dragon

You're not the last person in the blogosphere to read this one, since I haven't read it yet! I have to admit, I didn't love Grave Mercy. (Didn't hate it, but didn't love it either.) However, I was intrigued by Sybella and was happy to learn that this book is from her point of view. I'm glad to read your straightforward and honest review, I feel more prepared now to give this series another go... once I finish reading the twelve books currently on my nightstand, that is... Such is the life of a book blogger. :)


i too liked-but-didn't-love Grave Mercy. I LOVED Dark Triumph. The voice was SO different! really admired LaFevers ability to change the voice and tone so radically while making it totally clear that this was the same world as the previous book. I identified with Sybella's humor and bitterness more than with Ismae's more tentative, anxious worldview.

and yeah, Beast FTW. had no interest in Ismae's dude, whose name i already forget.

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