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22 November 2013


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Ugh, this makes me want to roll my eyes. Judging by the article and the comment Bennett made below, she probably hasn't read the book and neither did the student who was interviewed. Yes, it's dark and gory, but there is a point to all of it.
I respect this lady's right to make decisions on what she thinks is appropriate reading material for her child (though I wish she would take the time to read it before dismissing a book), but she doesn't have the right to make that decision for every other child in the school.
Oh, and yes, you need to read the sequel.


@Jenn: Yes, it's frustrating that someone could just read the BACK OF A BOOK and immediately decide that not only could her kid not read it -- which is her prerogative -- but that NO ONE ELSE in the school should be able to read it, either. I mean, JEEPERS.

The book is slated for IMMEDIATELY after my Cybils reading is finished! :)

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