...I wrote about Premeditated, which bears a striking resemblance to the last book I wrote about for Kirkus:
Last week, I wrote about Poor Little Dead Girls, a thriller about a middle-class girl who is catapulted into Richie Rich territory via athletic scholarship. (The thriller part involves a secret society! And lots of other crazy stuff, like eugenics and blood diamonds and murrrrrderrrrr!) Totally coincidentally, today’s book, Josin L. McQuein’s Premeditated, is ALSO a thriller about a middle-class girl who enters the world of the very, very privileged. Unlike Sadie, though, Dinah isn’t remotely interested in using the prestige of her school’s name to make her way into the Ivy League. No, Dinah has finagled her way into the Eleanor Lowry School for one reason, and one reason alone: REVENGE.
So weird that I picked them up one right after the other like that!