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06 January 2014


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I am so glad I finally picked up The Screaming Staircase. It was just the right blend of scary, humor and just plain fun, and I can't wait for the sequel to be released.

Thank you for the reminder on the sequel to the first Project Paper Dolls book. I had completely forgot about it, even though I quite enjoyed The Rules.

Aww, Digger! Is it true that there won't be a third book in that series? I need to know how everything ends.


So glad you liked The Screaming Staircase! It's good to know I've got company in waiting for the next one. :)

Re: Digger, that's my understanding, sadly. SUCH GOOD BOOKS, AND THEY SO, SO, SO DESERVED MORE ATTENTION. Sigh.


Okay that cover for The Screaming Staircase is AMAZING. My inner 12 year old boy was like "OH HECK YEAH"! Are they holding rapiers?! Seriously. I'm stoked.


@Lisa: They are INDEED! And best of all, it's already out, so you can run out to your library or bookstore or click over to wherever and START READING IT TODAY! <3 :D

Christa @ More Than Just Magic

I'm pretty excited for The Ring and the Crown - I read Frozen last year and thought it had a lot of potential. Also V is for Villains because that premise rocks.


@Christa: Cool! That makes me more hopeful about it!


Stop it, stop it, STOP IT!!! These lists are killing me. I want to read EVERYTHING, but first I have to finish The Screaming Staircase, and Shift by Hugh Howey (amazing) and The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt, and Among Others by Jo Walton (you HAVE TO READ THIS!!) and and and...Your blog is my crack, sigh.

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