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01 January 2014


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Melissa @Book Nut

So, I finished this one a month back and I had two thoughts: 1) it's very dirty (as in physical dirt, not smut), something which is highly lacking in Austen's work and 2) she spent too much time on characters I didn't care all that much about.

I'm quite curious to see what you think of the rest!

Becky Gorek

I just finished this last week and returned it to the library for the next person to read, but now I wish I still had it so I could follow along as you read! I really enjoyed it, personally.


@Melissa: 1. Yes! That's what I meant by 'earthy'! I feel like the only "dirty" bit in P&P is Lizzy's six-inches-deep-in-mud petticoat. (There are some parts in the BBC miniseries to add realism, like Mrs. Bennet telling the girls to watch their step on the way into a ball because the horses had been there, but in Austen's work, not so much.) 2. I'm not far in, so I'm curious to see how I'll feel, ultimately. It's very definitely more about her own characters so far, which I like a lot -- makes it feel like more of an original creation, rather than a rehash.

@Becky: Glad to hear that you liked it! I'm enjoying it SO MUCH so far. :)

Becky Gorek

It took me a bit to get into it, because I love Lizzie and Jane Bennet so much that I felt like Longbourn was almost sacrilegious with its harsh (maybe "realistic"?) portrayal of them. But once I got past that, I couldn't put it down!


I read this one about a month ago as well, and I agree that it's highly realistic and descriptive (or as you described it, earthy), but I found that there was only so many descriptions of chilblains and other nasty things before I didn't want to read it any longer. Books like these just remind me exactly why I would never want to travel back in time . . .


@Becky: For some reason, I'm loving this alternate look at the Bennets -- I think specifically BECAUSE suddenly we're seeing Jane and Lizzie with actual faults. :)

@Jenn: I hear that. It drives me bananas, though, when historical fiction glosses over the rough parts of the era, or overly romanticizes it: I'm always all, YEAH, THAT DUDE MIGHT BE EASY ON THE EYES IN HIS TOPHAT, BUT HOW DOES HE SMELL, EXACTLY?? :P

So agreed about the time travel thing, though. As much as I'd like to see it all in person, I'm pretty sure that I'm way too much of a weenie to experience it.

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