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07 January 2014


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I enjoyed the way Baker got the Cinderella aspect, how Sarah has to struggle getting the girls ready for the ball, then has to stand and wave to the carriage as it trundles off without her. Also that scene where Sarah gets to pick her hand-me-down is tragic - she's always loved that dress ever since she started washing it. Gah! There's a similar thing that goes on about cake and how the Bennetts even finger off the cake crumbs from the plates so there isn't even that morsel for the servants.

The house also sounds horribly crowded and noisy, with Lydia and Kitty always laughing/squabbling and Mary always trying to improve her music.


These posts are making me want to read this book SO badly. I might have to pick up a copy soon. I'm a history grad student, and at one point I thought about doing my research on domestic service and gender in the 18th century. I've since moved in a different direction, but maybe someday I'll go back to it!

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