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09 January 2014


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Ooh - I remember this book -- remember shaking in front of my professor's face and shrieking "THIS IS YA!!!" Our professor was still talking about Judy Blume being THE BIG THING in YA and children's lit, and all of us were horrified that she hadn't read past 1985 and had SO MUCH to show her...

I used to read everything this author wrote, like, immediately. And, it occurs to me - what the hell ever happened to her???



"It is true I would follow James to the moon. But if Link would let me, I would follow him anywhere he wanted."

When they sing the Marseillaise. And Link and James prowling the halls of school. And every little thing.


Another totally under-appreciated writer. I remember starting a new job only to fight with Cataloguing over the fact that they had her books under Weyr even though the book covers said Freymann-Weyr. Why would anyone browsing the shelves for My Heartbeat after the Printz honor look in the Ws? I prevailed in the end but it was rough.


I stumbled across this book when I was in high school, not knowing what I was getting into. I LOVED it...in its quiet, perceptive, thoughtful way, it was just the right thing for me at the time. Unfortunately, I didn't like Freymann-Weyr's other books quite as much--I felt characters in her other books were a little too remote, whereas Ellen was the perfect amount.

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