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21 May 2014


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I found the most hilarious picture book by Beverly Cleary - "Lucky Chuck". It's about a kid riding his first motorcycle. It doesn't go well. Sadly, I had to delete it and it's out of print, but omg it was hilarious! It's like...Dick and Jane ride a motorcycle. "This is Chuck's motorcycle-driver's license. He earned it by studying the Motor Vehicle Code and passing a driver's test. This is Chuck's mother worrying about Chuck and his motorcycle."


FANTASTIC. (Did you keep the discarded copy, I hope?)


*guilty face* yes. I simply couldn't bear to let go of a book that ends "This is Chuck with aching bones, thinking about the wisdom of the Motor Vehicle Code and how much gas he will have to pump to pay his traffic fine."


Oh, good, I'm so relieved. AND JEALOUS!

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