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06 May 2014


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OMG I am dying!

Ice Princess. I ADORED this book when I was a kid. I not only owned it (and the prequel - that's right, this is the sequel), but I KEPT THEM when I weeded and boxed my childhood books, because I had loved it so much.

I read it so many times that I can tell you, he's dressed like a vampire because their ice dancing routine was to the theme of a blockbuster movie.

When the Disney movie Ice Princess came out, I was devastated that it wasn't an adaptation of this.


@Claire: You are NOT ALONE in loving this book! I've heard from people on Twitter and Facebook who ALSO loved it growing up! And so now, OF COURSE I have to track down a copy of the first one! :)


I don't think the library lady needed to know about your crazy to laugh heartily and until breathless at that last cover. Charlie's big secret is not constipation??? Really???


Annnnd now that you've said it, I can not unsee Constipation Face. *snerk*


Add me to the people who owned and loved Ice Princess.

Melissa @ Bookmark Dragon

Haha! Those are fabulous. I remember reading a lot of books with similar looking covers when I was a kid, though none that I can remember had an ice-skating vampire on the cover... Clearly I missed out big time.

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