I need an index to the books I've posted about here, if only for my own sanity. I've started work on it. I'm only up through April, but eventually I'll get caught up.
Almond, Steve. Candyfreak.
Almond, Steve. The Evil B.B. Chow and Other Stories.
Almond, Steve. My Life in Heavy Metal.
Anderson, Laurie Halse. Prom.
Anderson, Laurie Halse. Speak.
Anderson, M.T. Burger Wuss.
Asimov, Isaac. Tales of the Black Widowers.
Asimov, Isaac. More Tales of the Black Widowers.
Auseon, Andrew. Funny Little Monkey.
Balliett, Blue. Chasing Vermeer.
Bardi, Abbi. The Book of Fred.
Barry, Max. Jennifer Government.
Bauer, Joan. Best Foot Forward.
Bauer, Joan. Sticks.
Bauer, Joan. Thwonk.
Beattie, Ann. Follies: New Stories.
Berendt, John. The City of Falling Angels.
Berendt, John. Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil.
Bird, Sarah. The Yokota Officer's Club.
Birdsall, Jeanette. The Penderwicks.
Black, Holly. Tithe.
Blume, Judy. Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret.
Blume, Judy. Here's to You, Rachel Robinson.
Blume, Judy. Just as Long as We're Together.
Braff, Joshua. The Unthinkable Thoughts of Jacob Green.
Braffet, Kelly. Josie and Jack.
Bray, Libba. A Great and Terrible Beauty.
Bray, Libba. Rebel Angels.
Brennan, Herbie. Faerie Wars.
Brown, Dan. The Da Vinci Code.
Brugman, Alyssa. Finding Grace.
Burdett, John. Bangkok 8.
Burdett, John. Bangkok Tattoo.
Burgess, Melvin. Doing It.
Burroughs, Augusten. Dry.
Burroughs, Augusten. Running with Scissors.
Butcher, Jim. Fool Moon: The Dresden Files #2.
Butcher, Jim. Grave Peril: The Dresden Files #3.
Butcher, Jim. Storm Front: The Dresden Files #1.
Butcher, Jim. Summer Knight: The Dresden Files #4.
Cabot, Meg. Avalon High.
Cabot, Meg. Every Boy's Got One.
Cabot, Meg. Mediator 6: Twilight.
Cabot, Meg. Princess in Pink.
Cabot, Meg. Princess in Training.
Cabot, Meggin. The Boy Next Door.
Cabot, Meggin. She Went All the Way.
Cain, James M. The Postman Always Rings Twice.
Caletti, Deb. Honey, Baby, Sweetheart.
Caletti, Deb. Wild Roses.
Capote, Truman. In Cold Blood.
Cart, Michael. Rush Hour, Volume One: Sin.
Cart, Michael. Rush Hour, Volume Three: Face.
Carver, Lisa Crystal. Drugs are Nice: A Post-Punk Memoir.
Caudwell, Sarah. Sirens Sang of Murder.
Cheney, Annie. Body Brokers: Inside America's Underground Trade in Human Remains.
Child, Lauren. Clarice Bean Spells Trouble.
Child, Lauren. Utterly Me, Clarice Bean.
Choldenko, Gennifer. Al Capone Does My Shirts.
Christiansen, Kate. The Epicure's Lament.
Clarke, Susanna. Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell.
Clements, Andrew. Things Not Seen.
Clowes, Daniel. Ghost World.
Codell, Esme Raji. Educating Esme: diary of a teacher's first year.
Codell, Esme Raji. Sahara Special.
Codell, Esme Raji. Sing a Song of Tuna Fish.
Cohn, Rachel. Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist.
Cohn, Rachel. Shrimp.
Conrad, Joseph. The Secret Agent.
Creech, Sharon. heartbeat.
Creech, Sharon. Replay.
Crutcher, Chris. Chinese Handcuffs.
Crutcher, Chris. The Sledding Hill.
Curtis, Christopher Paul. Bucking the Sarge.
Davis, Kathryn. The Thin Place.
Dessen, Sarah. Just Listen.
DiCamillo, Kate. The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane.
Diggle, Andy. The Losers: Ante Up.
Diggle, Andy. The Losers: Double Down.
Dominguez, Carlos Maria. the house of paper.
Druitt, Tobias. Corydon and the Island of Monsters.
Dunn, Mark. Ella Minnow Pea.
Dunn, Mark. Ibid: A Life.
DuPrau, Jeanne. The City of Ember.
Earls, Nick. 48 Shades of Brown.
Elliott, Chris. The Shroud of the Thwacker.
Embree, Michelle. Manstealing for Fat Girls.
Eugenides, Jeffery. The Virgin Suicides.
Evanovich, Janet. Four to Score.
Evanovich, Janet. High Five.
Evanovich, Janet. Hot Six.
Fasman, Jon. The Geographer's Library.
Feig, Paul. Kick Me: Adventures in Adolescence.
Fforde, Jasper. The Big Over Easy.
Fforde, Jasper. Something Rotten.
Fforde, Jasper. The Well of Lost Plots.
Fisher, Catherine. The Oracle Betrayed.
Fitzgerald, F. Scott. This Side of Paradise.
Flinn, Alex. Breaking Point.
Flinn, Alex. Nothing to Lose.
Frank, Hillary. Better Than Running at Night.
Frank, Hillary. I Can't Tell You.
Fredericks, Mariah. Head Games.
Fredericks, Mariah. The True Meaning of Cleavage.
Frey, James. A Million Little Pieces.
Frey, James. My Friend Leonard.
Freymann-Weyr, Garret. The Kings are Already Here.
Freymann-Weyr, Garret. Stay with Me.
Friesner, Esther. Temping Fate.
Gaiman, Neil. Anansi Boys.
Gaiman, Neil. Good Omens.
Gaiman, Neil. Murder Mysteries.
Galloway, Gregory. As Simple as Snow.
Gattis, Ryan. Kung Fu High School.
Gee, Maurice. The Fat Man.
George, Elizabeth. A Great Deliverence.
George, Elizabeth. Payment in Blood.
Gibson, William. Neuromancer.
Gibson, William. Pattern Recognition.
Giles, Gail. Dead Girls Don't Write Letters.
Giles, Gail. Playing in Traffic.
Giles, Gail. Shattering Glass.
Gilroy, Tom. The Haiku Year.
Going, K. L. The Liberation of Gabriel King.
Goldberg, Myla. Bee Season.
Gordon, Amy. The Gorillas of Gill Park.
Gordon, Amy. The Secret Life of a Boarding School Brat.
Green, John. Looking for Alaska.
Greenburg, Dan. Secrets of Dripping Fang, Book One: The Onts.
Griffin, Adele. Overnight.
Grimes, Nikki. Bronx Masquerade.
Haddix, Margaret Peterson. Among the Betrayed.
Haddix, Margaret Peterson. Among the Hidden.
Haddix, Margaret Peterson. Among the Imposters.
Hale, Bruce. The Possum Always Rings Twice.
Hale, Shannon. Enna Burning.
Hale, Shannon. The Goose Girl.
Hale, Shannon. The Princess Academy.
Hamilton, Laurell K. The Laughing Corpse.
Hannigan, Katherine. Ida B...
Harris, Charlaine. Grave Sight.
Harris, Joanne. Gentlemen & Players.
Harris, Joanne. Jigs & Reels.
Harrison, Lisi. The Clique.
Harrison, Mette Ivie. Mira, Mirror.
Hartinger, Brent. Geography Club.
Hartinger, Brent. Grand & Humble.
Hartinger, Brent. Last Chance Texaco.
Hartinger, Brent. The Order of the Poison Oak.
Hautman, Pete. Godless.
Hautman, Pete. Invisible.
Hautman, Pete. Sweetblood.
Hemingway, Ernest. In Our Time.
Heyer, Georgette. Footsteps in the Dark.
Hiassen, Carl. Flush.
Highsmith, Patricia. The Black House: Stories.
Highsmith, Patricia. Slowly, Slowly in the Wind: Stories.
Hill, Reginald. An Advancement of Learning.
Hill, Reginald. Bones and Silence.
Hill, Reginald. A Clubbable Woman.
Hill, Reginald. A Fairly Dangerous Thing.
Hill, Reginald. Ruling Passion.
Hill, Reginald. The Stranger House.
Hill, Reginald. A Very Good Hater.
Hinton, S. E. Hawkes Harbor.
Hjortsberg, William. Falling Angel.
Holm, Jennifer L. & Matthew. Babymouse: Queen of the World!
Holm, Jennifer L. & Matthew. Babymouse: Our Hero.
Horniman, Joanne. Secret Scribbled Notebooks.
Hornby, Nick. How to be Good.
Hornby, Nick. A Long Way Down.
Horvath, Polly. Everything on a Waffle.
Hynes, James. Kings of Infinite Space.
Ibbotson, Eva. The Star of Kazan.
Ishiguro, Kazuo. Never Let Me Go.
Ishiguro, Kazuo. When We Were Orphans.
Jacobson, Jennifer Richards. Stained.
Johnson, Marilyn. The Dead Beat: Lost Souls, Lucky Stiffs, and the Perverse Pleasures of Obituaries.
Jones, Diana Wynne. Wilkins' Tooth.
Kerr, M.E. The Books of Fell.
Kerr, M.E. Dinky Hocker Shoots Smack!
Kidd, Sue Monk. The Mermaid Chair.
Kidd, Sue Monk. Secret Life of Bees.
Kindl, Patrice. Owl in Love.
King, Stephen. The Colorado Kid.
Klise, Kate and Sarah. Regarding the Sink.
Knowles, John. A Separate Peace.
Konigsberg, E. L. (George).
Korman, Gordon. Son of the Mob: Hollywood Hustle.
Koertge, Ron. Margaux with an X.
Koertge, Ron. Shakespeare Bats Cleanup.
Koss, Amy Goldman. The Girls.
Kostova, Elizabeth. The Historian.
Krovatin, Christopher. Heavy Metal and You.
Kunzru, Hari. Transmission.
Lasky, Kathryn. Memoirs of a Bookbat.
Le Guin, Ursula K. Changing Planes: Stories.
Le Guin, Ursula K. A Fisherman of the Inland Sea.
Le Guin, Ursula K. The Left Hand of Darkness.
Le Guin, Ursula K. Very Far Away From Anywhere Else.
Levithan, David. Are We There Yet?.
Levithan, David. Boy Meets Boy.
Levithan, David. Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist.
Levithan, David. Realm of Possibility.
Lindsay, Jeff. Darkly Dreaming Dexter.
Lindsay, Jeff. Dearly Devoted Dexter.
Link, Kelly. Magic for Beginners.
lockhart, e. The Boyfriend List.
Lowry, Lois. Anastasia Krupnik.
Lubar, David. Sleeping Freshmen Never Lie.
Lyga, Barry. The Astonishing Adventures of Fanboy and Goth Girl.
Lynch, Chris. Inexcusable.
Lynch, Chris. Me, Dead Dad, and Alcatraz.
Mackler, Carolyn. The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things.
Mackler, Carolyn. Vegan Virgin Valentine.
Madison, Bennett. Lulu Dark Can See Through Walls.
Madison, Bennett. Lulu Dark and the Summer of the Fox.
Mankell, Henning. Faceless Killers.
Marchetta, Melina. Looking for Alibrandi.
Marchetta, Melina. Saving Francesca.
Martin, Ann M. Here Today.
Martin, Valerie. Mary Reilly.
Martinez, A. Lee. Gil's All Fright Diner.
Martinez, Guillermo. The Oxford Murders.
Maxwell, Katie. The Year My Life Went Down the Loo.
McCaffrey, Anne. Dragonsinger.
McCaffrey, Anne. Dragonsong.
McCall Smith, Alexander. The Sunday Philosophy Club.
McCracken, Elizabeth. The Giant's House.
McCrumb, Sharyn. Missing Susan.
McCullers, Carson. The Heart is a Lonely Hunter.
McCullers, Carson. The Member of the Wedding.
McDonald, Megan. Judy Moody, M.D.: The Doctor Is In!
McEwan, Ian. Atonement.
McKay, Hilary. The Exiles at Home.
McKay, Hilary. Indigo's Star.
McKay, Hilary. Permanent Rose.
McKinley, Robin. The Door in the Hedge.
McKinley, Robin. Sunshine.
McNamee, Graham. Acceleration.
McNeal, Laura and Tom. Crushed.
McNeal, Laura and Tom. Zipped.
Melville, James. The Wages of Zen.
Meyer, Stephanie. Twilight.
Michaels, Barbara. Into the Darkness.
Mitchell, David. Cloud Atlas.
Moore, Alan. V for Vendetta.
Moore, Peter. Caught in the Act.
Moran, Lindsay. Blowing My Cover: My Life as a CIA Spy
Moriarty, Jaclyn. Feeling Sorry for Celia.
Moriarty, Jaclyn. The Year of Secret Assignments.
Morris, Gerald. The Lioness and her Knight.
Myers, Walter Dean. Autobiography of my Dead Brother.
Nathan, Jean. Secret Life of the Lonely Doll: The Search for Dare Wright.
Nelson, Blake. Rock Star Superstar.
Nelson, O. T. The Girl Who Owned a City.
Niffenegger, Audrey. The Time Traveler's Wife.
Nimmo, Jenny. Charlie Bone and the Castle of Mirrors.
Nixon, Joan Lowery. A Deadly Game of Magic.
O'Connell, Carol. Killing Critics.
O'Connell, Carol. Mallory's Oracle.
O'Connell, Carol. The Man Who Cast Two Shadows.
O'Connell, Carol. Shell Game.
O'Connell, Carol. Stone Angel.
Pattou, Edith. East.
Paulsen, Gary. The Amazing Life of Birds.
Paulsen, Gary. Harris and Me.
Paulsen, Gary. How Angel Peterson Got His Name.
Paulsen, Gary. Molly McGinty Has a Really Good Day.
Perez-Reverte, Arturo. The Club Dumas.
Perkins, Lynne Rae. Criss Cross.
Perry, Anne. The Cater Street Hangman.
Pierce, Tamora. First Test.
Portman, Frank. King Dork.
Potter, Ellen. Olivia Kidney and the Exit Academy.
Pratchett, Terry. Good Omens.
Prose, Francine. A Changed Man.
Prue, Sally. The Devil's Toenail.
Reed, Kit. Thinner than Thou.
Reichs, Kathy. Death Du Jour.
Reichs, Kathy. Deja Dead.
Reinhardt, Dana. a brief chapter in my impossible life.
Rennison, Louise. Away Laughing on a Fast Camel.
Rennison, Louise. Then He Ate My Boy Entrancers.
Reynolds, Marjorie. The Starlite Drive-In.
Roach, Mary. Spook: Science Tackles the Afterlife.
Roach, Mary. Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers. (more)
Rosoff, Meg. How I Live Now.
Rothbart, Davy. The Lone Surfer of Montana, Kansas.
Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
Ruditis, Paul. Rainbow Party.
Sachar, Louis. Small Steps.
Sanchez, Alex. Rainbow Boys.
Schneider, Helga. Let Me Go.
Scieszka, Jon. Guys Write for Guys Read.
Sebold, Alice. The Lovely Bones.
Sederis, David. Me Talk Pretty Some Day.
Sederis, David. Naked.
Sedgwick, Marcus. The Book of Dead Days.
Shull, Megan. Amazing Grace.
Smith, Dodie. I Capture the Castle. (cont'd)
Sones, Sonya. one of those hideous books where the mother dies.
Spinelli, Jerry. Crash.
Stace, Wesley. Misfortune.
Stahler Jr., David. Truesight.
Stevermer, Carolyn. The Grand Tour.
Stolarz, Laurie Faria. Blue is for Nightmares.
Swan, Susan. What Casanova Told Me.
Tabb, George. Playing Right Field: A Jew Grows in Greenwich.
Tashjian, Janet. Vote for Larry.
Taylor, G. P. Shadowmancer.
Taylor, Sarah Stewart. O' Artful Death.
Truss, Lynne. Eats, Shoots and Leaves.
Truss, Lynne. Talk to the Hand.
Turner, Megan Whalen. Instead of Three Wishes.
Turner, Megan Whalen. The King of Attolia.
Updale, Eleanor. Montmorency: thief, liar, gentleman?
Vachss, Andrew H. Flood.
Vachss, Andrew. Hard Candy.
Vachss, Andrew. Strega.
Van Draanen, Wendelin. Sammy Keyes and the Dead Giveaway.
Van Draanen, Wendelin. Sammy Keyes and the Psycho Kitty Queen.
Vizzini, Ned. Be More Chill.
Voigt, Cynthia. Bad Girls.
Vowell, Sarah. Assassination Vacation.
Walls, Jeanette. The Glass Castle.
Weisberg, Barbara. Talking to the Dead.
Welsh, Louise. The Cutting Room.
Welsh, Louise. Tamburlaine Must Die.
Wener, Louise. Goodnight Steve McQueen.
Werlin, Nancy. The Killer's Cousin.
Westerfeld, Scott. So Yesterday.
Westerfeld, Scott. Uglies.
Wiles, Deborah. each little bird that sings.
Wiles, Deborah. Love, Ruby Lavender.
Williams, Maiya. The Golden Hour.
Wilson, Diane Lee. I Rode a Horse of Milk White Jade.
Wilson, F. Paul. The Haunted Air.
Wilson, F. Paul. Legacies.
Wilson, Jacqueline. Double Act.
Wittlinger, Ellen. Blind Faith.
Wittlinger, Ellen. Sandpiper.
Wolff, Tobias. Old School.
Wolff, Tobias. This Boy's Life.
Wrede, Patricia. The Grand Tour.